Reasons Why You Should Consider Onsite Power Generation For Your Business

More and more businesses are realizing the importance of generating power onsite at their facilities. If you have been considering generating power in this way but are not sure whether you should invest the time and funds to set it up, we would strongly advise you look through the benefits listed below as you weigh the cost. In this blog, we will tell how you can benefit from onsite power generation in California. Let’s get started.

Energy Security and Reliability

Energy security can mean many things, but generally this means that you have a secondary way to generate electricity or maintain the necessary power quality for your facility. The right combination of on-site generation resources can be configured to operate both in conjunction with the grid and islanded from the grid. When configured properly your facility can operate for a brief time without the grid or indefinitely. Although grid outages can be occasional or temporary, it is essential to identify what losses your business incurs in terms of productivity, spoilage, equipment damage when blackouts happen. With the help of onsite power generation, you can save your business from such losses, which can often cost your business more than adding on-site generation. 

Fixing your Cost for the Future

The phrase “energy security” also is used referring to the financial risk of fluctuations and sharp increases in energy cost due to market conditions. Investing in onsite generation resources can make your future energy costs predictable. Locking in energy rates has proven to be very valuable for many businesses since utility electricity prices rarely drop. Rather, they are increases at an alarming rate. There are many ways to finance a project so that your business doesn’t need to spend all of its capital on an energy project upfront, while still benefiting from the hedge that occurs when you lock in costs. 


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Saving Money

The trend for supplying energy under the old model is becoming more and more expensive for several reasons. One, the grid needs more and more infrastructure investment in transmission and distribution to deliver power from remote locations into population centers. Two, pollution in all its forms is now a cost liability for all fossil fuel-based generation. Power plants are much more difficult develop in cities due to pollution. Three, carbon-based fuel like natural gas is becoming more expensive. Conversely, the cost to generate power through renewable sources and high-efficient microturbines is becoming more and more cost effective. The additions of a battery system enhance the capabilities of renewable generation. With this these trends in mind, you will see that onsite generation can be vastly superior to utility electricity from a cost perspective, allowing businesses to save money. If energy is a big component of your business’s operating cost, then it would be worth periodically checking to see the cost of onsite systems and expected savings using available technologies.


While the chief goal of every business is to make profit, it is essential that businesses have social responsibility in mind. It is a known fact that onsite power generation in California using renewables is a more environment-friendly than other forms of power. Business can make a significant effect on the environment by choosing renewables. Investors, consumers, and employees all value a corporation’s commitment to sustainability. You may have an easier time selling to consumers, committing investors, and finding talented employees if corporate responsibility is woven into your brand.
As you can see, it makes sense for businesses, landowners, communities, suppliers, etc., to invest in onsite power generation in California. If interested, you can get in touch with companies online that specialize in developing renewable power projects. Top companies can help you out with designing, contracting, permitting, consulting, financing and construction for these systems.

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